Background: Juxta-apical radiolucency (JAR) has been presented as a radiographic sign, suggestive of the IAN injury through third molar surgery. This study aimed to evaluate the relation of JAR with paresthesia in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images and to determine whether the presence of JAR is related to tooth angulation, proximity to the mandibular canal, position to the IAN and thinning of the cortical plates.Methods: Of an initial sample of 545 mandibular third molars, a total of 75 JAR and 75 control teeth were evaluated by CBCT. The association of JAR with the IAN, position to IAN, lingual cortical plate thinning, and tooth angulation was investigated in this study. Temporary and permanent paresthesia were also examined in the subjects. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, and Fisher’s exact test were performed for statistical analysis.Results: A significant relationship was found between JAR and temporary paresthesia (P=0.034). However, there was no case of permanent paresthesia. JAR showed no significant relationship with the tooth angulation, cortical plate thinning, position to IAN and proximity to the mandibular canal. The lingual position of JAR relative to the mandibular canal was related to the presence of paresthesia in the JAR group. Also, most cases of paresthesia showed some degree of lingual cortical plate thinning (P=0.012). Conclusion: JAR is generally in contact with the mandibular canal, and some degree of cortical thinning can be found in most cases. In this study, JAR was significantly related to temporary paresthesia. The present findings may indicate the increased risk of nerve injury during the surgical removal of third molars.