We propose a non-minimal left-right symmetric model with parity symmetry where the fermion mixings arise as a result of imposing an S 3 ⊗ Z 2 flavor symmetry, and an extra Z e 2 symmetry is considered in the lepton sector. Then the neutrino mass matrix possesses approximately the μ-τ symmetry. The breaking of the μ-τ symmetry induces sizable non-zero θ 13 , and the deviation of θ 23 from 45 • is strongly controlled by an free parameter and the neutrino masses. So, an analytic study of the CP parities in the neutrino masses is carried out to constrain the parameter and the lightest neutrino mass that accommodate the mixing angles. The results are: (a) the normal hierarchy is ruled out for any values of the Majorana phases; (b) for the inverted hierarchy the values of the reactor and atmospheric angles are compatible up to 2, 3 σ C.L.; (c) the degenerate ordering is the most favorable such that the reactor and atmospheric angle are compatible with the experimental data for a large set of values of the free parameters. The model predicts defined regions for the effective neutrino mass, the neutrino mass scale and the sum of the neutrino masses for the favored cases. Therefore, this model may be testable by the future experiments.