Abstract.-To assess the consequences of shoreline development, whole-lake vegetation abundance of dense floating-leaf and emergent vegetation in 100 north-central Minnesota lakes was estimated from aerial photographs for selected years between 1939 and 2003. Lakes were randomly selected from three shoreland development classifications, which define statewide minimum shoreline development standards for Minnesota. The three classes, in order of increasing restrictions for development, are general development, recreational development, and natural environment. Image analysis techniques were used to estimate vegetation abundance (percent cover). Shoreline development varied by shoreland development class. Floating-leaf and emergent vegetative cover (percent of lake surface area) was significantly affected by development. Increases in shoreline development, indexed by dock sites per shoreline kilometer, reduced plant cover. A linear mixed-effects model estimated that in 2003, the mean floating-leaf and emergent vegetation cover loss from development was 6% for natural-environment lakes, 14% for recreationaldevelopment lakes, and 17% for general-development lakes. Total vegetation cover loss for north-central Minnesota lakes was estimated at 15%. Shoreline regulatory policies may need to be changed or riparian owner incentive programs added to address cumulative impacts to fish and wildlife habitat.Increases in shoreland development are changing lake ecosystems. Development pressure is increasing, as evidenced by increases in the number of dwellings per lake each year (Kelly and Stinchfield 1998). Human habitation along the shore has a cumulative effect on fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, and biota of lake ecosystems (Engel and Pederson 1998). Christensen et al. (1996) found a significantly lower amount of coarse woody debris along developed shorelines in Wisconsin and Michigan, predicting that recent losses in developed lakes will affect littoral communities for about two centuries. Meyer et al. (1997) concluded that housing development along shores of northern Wisconsin lakes dramatically altered native vegetation, especially shrubs, and reduced frog populations. Elias and Meyer (2003) found that for upland, shoreline, and shallow-water areas, the mean number of plant species and the percent of native species were both greater at undeveloped sites than along developed Wisconsin lakeshores. Jennings et al. (1996) noted changes in nearshore substrate composition in Wisconsin lakes that they attributed to human activity. In an Iowa lake, Byran and Scarnecchia (1992) found significantly lower aquatic macrophyte abundance in developed shorelines than in undeveloped shorelines. Jennings et al. (2003) also found that the amounts of littoral wood remains and emergent and floating-leaf vegetation were lower at developed sites and at lakes with greater development density.