Staphylococcus aureus is a major opportunistic human pathogen that frequently causes disease in community and hospital settings. Nasal colonization is an important risk factor for developing invasive disease. Cell wall-associated glycopolymers called wall teichoic acids (WTAs) contribute to efficient nasal colonization by S. aureus. In addition, WTAs are key targets of the host immune system due to their accessibility and high abundance on the S. aureus cell surface. In this review we discuss the new insights into interactions between the host and S. aureus WTA and the implications of these interactions for preventative and therapeutic approaches against S. aureus-mediated disease.Teichoic Acids: At the Bacterium-Host Interface S. aureus is a Gram-positive opportunistic human pathogen that asymptomatically colonizes the nasopharynx of 20-30% of the human population. Nasal colonization is a risk factor for developing invasive infections, including pneumonia, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, and sepsis [1,2]. The teichoic acid (TA) glycopolymers (see Glossary) are major components of the Gram-positive bacterial cell wall, representing up to 60% of the total cell wall mass. TAs are either anchored in the plasma membrane as lipoteichoic acid (LTA), or covalently linked to peptidoglycan as wall teichoic acid (WTA). Both types of TA have crucial roles in cell growth, protection from environmental stress, and during colonization and infection of the host [3].TAs are key targets of the host immune system due to their exposure and high abundance on the S. aureus surface. In recent years, multiple molecular interactions between the human host and S. aureus TAs have been identified, of which the LTA-specific interactions are briefly summarized in Box 1. In this review we focus on the new insights into WTA-specific interactions of S. aureus with the human host. Importantly, we discuss the implications of these interactions for the development of preventative and therapeutic approaches against S. aureus.
Structure of S. aureus WTAMany Gram-positive bacteria produce WTA, the structure of which can vary widely between species (Box 2). The majority of S. aureus lineages produce WTA that is comprised of up to 40 ribitolphosphate (RboP) subunits that are modified with D-alanine and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues (Figure 1A) [3], the biosynthesis of which is briefly summarized in Box 3. Importantly, the modifications of WTA functionalize the molecule, for instance by providing resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides and antibiotics, mediating phage adsorption and facilitating colonization.
Glycosylation of S. aureus RboP-WTAS. aureus RboP-WTA can be modified by three types of glycosylation, each requiring the activity of a dedicated glycosyltransferase that links a GlcNAc residue to the C3 or C4 RboP hydroxyl groups either in an αor β-configuration. This creates the following repertoire of GlcNAc modifications: α-1,4-GlcNAc catalyzed by TarM, β-1,4-GlcNAc catalyzed by TarS, and β-1,3-GlcNAc catalyzed by TarP (Figure 1A) [4...