Background: The guidelines recommend intensive blood pressure control. Randomized trials have focused on the relevance of the systolic blood pressure (SBP) lowering, leaving the safety of the diastolic blood pressure (DBP) reduction unresolved. There are data available which show that low DBP should not stop clinicians from achieving SBP targets; however, registries and analyses of randomized trials present conflicting results. The purpose of the study was to apply machine learning (ML) algorithms to determine, whether DBP is an important risk factor to predict stroke, heart failure (HF), myocardial infarction (MI), and primary outcome in the SPRINT trial database. Methods: ML experiments were performed using decision tree, random forest, k-nearest neighbor, naive Bayesian, multi-layer perceptron, and logistic regression algorithms, including and excluding DBP as the risk factor in an unselected and selected (DBP < 70 mmHg) study population. Results: Including DBP as the risk factor did not change the performance of the machine learning models evaluated using accuracy, AUC, mean, and weighted F-measure, and was not required to make proper predictions of stroke, MI, HF, and primary outcome. Conclusions: Analyses of the SPRINT trial data using ML algorithms imply that DBP should not be treated as an independent risk factor when intensifying blood pressure control.