Hypotensive anaesthesia is widely used in head and neck surgery. [1][2][3][4] The mean arterial blood pressure is lowered by 20%-30% with various drugs and methods to alleviate blood loss or to improve the quality of the surgical field. 5,6 There are concerns about tissue ischemia with controlled hypotension due to hypoperfusion of organs. 7 Due to differences in patients' susceptibility to organ hypoperfusion; it is not clear to what extent blood pressure may be reduced. Serum lactate level, base deficit, and infrared spectroscopy have been used to monitor the adequacy of organ blood flow. 8,9 Another suggested method to monitor tissue ischemia is to measure oxidative stress level. 10 Oxidative stress is highly susceptible to patient-and procedure-related factors like smoking, drugs administered in the perioperative period, general anaesthesia, and surgical trauma. [11][12][13] Erel and Neşelioğlu developed an automated method that directly measures serum thiol/disulphide levels. 14 Thiols are organic compounds that protect against cell damage caused by reactive oxygen species. 15,16 The thiol/disulphide balance may be used as a marker of oxidative stress level, thus tissue ischemia.