The necessity of quantising the gravitational field is still subject to an open debate. In this paper we compare the approach of quantum gravity, with that of a fundamentally semi-classical theory of gravity, in the weak-field non-relativistic limit. We show that, while in the former case the Schrödinger equation stays linear, in the latter case one ends up with the so-called Schrödinger-Newton equation, which involves a nonlinear, non-local gravitational contribution. We further discuss that the Schrödinger-Newton equation does not describe the collapse of the wave-function, although it was initially proposed for exactly this purpose. Together with the standard collapse postulate, fundamentally semiclassical gravity gives rise to superluminal signalling. A consistent fundamentally semi-classical theory of gravity can therefore only be achieved together with a suitable prescription of the wave-function collapse. We further discuss, how collapse models avoid such superluminal signalling and compare the nonlinearities appearing in these models with those in the Schrödinger-Newton equation.4 that is by replacing the classical energy-momentum tensor in Einsteinʼs equations by the expectation value of the corresponding quantum operator in a given quantum state Ψ. This idea has a long history, dating back to the works of Møller [17] and Rosenfeld [18]. It has been commented repeatedly that such a theory would be incompatible with established principles of 3 The self-interactions present in the classical theory would then be treated in the same way as in quantum electrodynamics, namely, through the normal ordering and renormalization prescription. They would lead to a mass-renormalization of the theory rather than a potential term in the Schrödinger equation [9,10]. 4 The term quantum gravity here is restricted to any such theory which, at least in its low energy limit, treats the gravitational field in the linearized Einstein equations as a linear quantum operator. 5 Apart from this, the Schrödinger-Newton equation also follows uncontroversially from a gravitating classical matter field [13]. 2 New J. Phys. 16 (2014) 115007 M Bahrami et al