Introduction Much has been written about how the Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridians (TCMs) are closely related to Myofascial Chains (MCs) and then, as a logic consequence, to the Posture. However, there are still few studies that operatively verify these concepts by performing acupressure treatments (like Shiatsu) on subjects groups, of which is performed a postural analysis, before and after.The aim of the present work is to promote these studies, starting from a pilot one and analyzing results thereof.Materials and Methods The study, intended as a case report, enrolled a single, 12 year-old, female subject affected by double curve, low degree scoliosis for just a clinic con rmation, for 10 consecutive modules spaced about a week (range 5-10 days) from each other and consisting of a postural analysis before and after an acupressure treatment (Shiatsu) without time gaps between analysis and treatment. The analysis was made with a DIERS Formetric 4D.Results While observing selected parameters relating their pre-and post-treatment values, is is possible to understand how the lumbar arrow (LA) is systemically reduced, the cervical arrow (CA) is progressively ameliorated, the Antero-Posterior Flexion (APF) and the Hemipelvis Torsion (HT) are progressively harmonized.After all the performed treatment, the subject refers the perception of his psycho-emotional state, better than the initial one, even though it was already good or very good.Discussion The series of treatments has shown his e ciency in the variation of morpho-structural parameters in the acute. Due to its con guration, the study didn't consider long term effects, an interesting aspect to be investigated dedicated studies with bigger sample size.Conclusions From an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective, the stimulation of "tsubo" according to the Fascial Neuromodulation model can represent a treatment integrated with the manipulation of peripheral entries in the correction of postural-type morpho-structural alterations.