The idea is to identify via ephemeris time as given by Barbour and an inflaton field as given by Padmanabhan, for scale factor proportional to time to the alpha power and a velocity given by Will for massive gravitons, an initial energy for a massive graviton in space-time. The spatial values for the graviton production could be from the Planckian to Electro weak regime, with a nod to using a worm hole from a prior to a present universe as a delivery font for gravitational energy, as an information carrying bridge from prior universe "information settings" to the present space-time. The number of Gravitons will be set as N, and the initial time, as a tie in with Barbour's ephemeris time, a constant times Planck time. In setting up the positions, as input into the positions and distributions of gravitons in our model, we will compare results as could be generated by Racetrack inflation, for presumed position of relic gravitons when just produced in the universe, as compared with results given by an adaptation of an argument presented by Crowell, in a modification of the Wheeler de Witt equation he gave germane to worm hole physics. In addition, with this presentation we will discuss entropy generation via graviton production. And compare that with semi classical arguments, as well as Brane-anti brane combinations. The idea will be to in all of this to re set the particulars of massive gravity in such a way as to revisit the outstanding problem of massive gravity: Its predictions do not match those of general relativity How to cite this paper: Beckwith, A.W.