Calculations of transition intensities for small molecules like H 2 O, CO, CO 2 based on s high-quality potential energy surface (PES) and dipole moment surface (DMS) can nowadays reach sub-percent accuracy. An extension of this treatment to a system with more complicated internal structure -HCN/HNC (hydrogen cyanide/hydrogen isocyanide) is presented. A highly accurate spectroscopicallydetermined PES is built based on a recent ab initio PES of the HCN/HNC isomerizing system. 588 levels of HCN with J = (0, 2, 5, 9, 10) are reproduced with a standard deviation from the experimental values of σ = 0.0373 cm −1 and 101 HNC levels with J = (0, 2) are reproduced with σ = 0.37 cm −1 . The dependence of the HCN rovibrational transition intensities on the PES is tested for the wavenumbers below 7200 cm −1 . Intensities are computed using wavefunctions generated from an ab initio and our optimized PES. These intensities differ from each other by more than 1% for about 11% of the transitions tested, showing the need to use an optimized PES to obtain wavefunctions for high-accuracy predictions of transition intensities. An ab initio DMS is computed for HCN geometries lying below 11 200 cm −1 . Intensities for HCN transitions are calculated using a new fitted PES and newly calculated DMS. The resulting intensities compare 1 arXiv:1810.09314v1 [physics.chem-ph]