“…catch data, landings information) were involved in planning and management and reported fisher involvement in active enforcement of the area (Table ). Fishers’ knowledge was used in a variety of ways, to assess changes in fish stocks (Galal, Ormond, & Hassan, ), to compare fishing data (McClanahan & Mangi, ) and define the fisheries taking place (Forcada, Valle, Sanchez‐Lizaso, Bayle‐Sempere, & Corsi, ) and to implement closures (Seytre & Francour, ). Many studies described additional aspects including fishers perceptions on restrictions (Tonioli & Agar, ), the extension of an area (Lédée, Sutton, Tobin, & De Freitas, ; Sutton & Tobin, , ), effectiveness (Karras & Agar, ) and differences before–after implementation (Milon, Suman, Shivlani, & Cochran, ; Shivlani, Leeworthy, Murray, & Suman, ).…”