“…Sub se quently, pub li ca tions on palaeothermometry and ad vances in an a lyt i cal rou tines Ep stein et al, 1951Ep stein et al, , 1953Craig, 1957) es tab lished the use of cal cite macrofossils as a highly impor tant car rier of in for ma tion for un der stand ing Pa leo zoic and Me so zoic cli mate (Bowen, 1961a, b;Fritz, 1964;Longinelli, 1969;Stahl and Jor dan, 1969;Tan et al, 1970;Jor dan and Stahl, 1970;Tan and Hud son, 1974;Veizer and Fritz, 1976;Buchardt, 1978;Jones et al, 1994;Veizer et al, 1999;Steuber and Veizer, 2002;Prokoph et al, 2008). Re fine ment of tra ditional geo chem i cal prox ies and fron tier work on new palaeoenvironmental tools en sures con tin ued use of macrofossil calcite for re con struct ing sea wa ter chem is try and en vi ron men tal changes in the past (e.g., Finnegan et al, 2011;Korte and Hesselbo, 2011;Blättler et al, 2012;Wierzbowski et al, 2012;Price and Passey, 2013;Schobben et al, 2014;Shaviv et al, 2014;Ullmann et al, 2014a). The large size of macrofossils com bined with the pres ence of growth lines also makes them a good tar get for ad dress ing past sea sonal changes in en vi ron men tal pa ram e ters and en ables de lin ea tion of spe cies-spe cific geo chem i cal char ac ter is tics (e.g., Steuber et al, 2005;Freitas et al, 2006Freitas et al, , 2009Dutton et al, 2007;Ullmann et al, 2010).…”