Hunting is assuming a growing role in the current European forestry and agroforestry landscape. However, consistent statistical sources that provide quantitative information for policy-making, planning and management of game resources are often lacking. In addition, in many instances statistical information can be used without sufficient evaluation or criticism. Recently, the European Commission has declared the importance of high quality hunting statistics and the need to set up a common scheme in Europe for their collection, interpretation and proper use. This work aims to contribute to this current debate on hunting statistics in Europe by exploring data from the last 35 years of Spanish hunting statistics. The analysis focuses on the three major pillars underpinning hunting activity: hunters, hunting grounds and game animals. First, the study aims to provide a better understanding of official hunting statistics for use by researchers, game managers and other potential users. Second, the study highlights the major strengths and weaknesses of the statistical information that was collected. The results of the analysis indicate that official hunting statistics can be incomplete, dispersed and not always homogeneous over a long period of time. This is an issue of which one should be aware when using official hunting data for scientific or technical work. To improve statistical deficiencies associated with hunting data in Spain, our main suggestion is the adoption of a common protocol on data collection to which different regions agree. This protocol should be in accordance with future European hunting statistics and based on robust and well-informed data collection methods. Also it should expand the range of biological, ecological and economic concepts currently included to take account of the profound transformations experienced by the hunting sector in recent years. As much as possible, any future changes in the selection of hunting statistics should allow for comparisons between new variables with the previous ones.Key words: hunting; licenses; hunters; ranches; captures.
Resumen Estadísticas oficiales de caza: el caso de España (1972-2007)La caza está cobrando un creciente protagonismo en los terrenos forestales y agroforestales europeos actuales. Por ello, resulta esencial contar con unas fuentes estadísticas consistentes, en muchos casos inexistentes, que proporcionen la información cuantitativa necesaria para la elaboración de políticas, la planificación y la gestión de los recursos cinegéticos disponibles. La Unión Europea ha manifestado recientemente el interés por la mejora de las estadís-ticas de caza y la necesidad de establecer un protocolo común europeo para la recogida y uso de las estadísticas de caza. Este trabajo pretende contribuir al debate sobre las mejora de las estadísticas de caza europeas mediante un aná-lisis crítico de las estadísticas oficiales nacionales de caza en España en los últimos 35 años. El análisis se centra sobre los tres grandes pilares que sustentan a la actividad ...