Architecture erosion reflects the tendency of an implemented architecture of a software system to gradually diverge from the intended architecture. Empirical evidence from numerous studies has demonstrated that architecture erosion significantly impacts various aspects of software development, maintenance, and evolution. This is because, architecture erosion often tends to occur imperceptibly and accumulates over time, making its repair challenging, costly, and sometimes even impossible. Therefore, timely detection and remediation of architecture erosion become crucial.One way to manage architecture erosion is by identifying its early symptoms, such as lack of modularity and various architectural smells. By identifying and managing these symptoms and their evolution, developers can gain insights into the software system's health and take proactive measures like architecture refactoring. This early warning mechanism not only aids in repairing eroded architecture, but also helps in understanding, identifying, analyzing, and optimizing software architecture, ultimately improving software product quality. However, despite several research studies investigating the architecture erosion phenomenon, the current state of the art has certain shortcomings. Specifically, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of the nature of architecture erosion, it is unclear which symptoms of architecture erosion are the most common, and there is a lack of effective methods to identify these symptoms. Hence, the main research objective of this thesis is to establish a landscape of architecture erosion, investigate common erosion symptoms, and propose feasible approaches to identify and handle architecture erosion.To achieve the stated objective, we first need to obtain a landscape of the architecture erosion phenomenon and its current state of research in the literature. To this end, we conducted a systematic mapping study that covers the literature spanning te meten. Door middel van een reeks experimenten hebben we deze methoden afzonderlijk geëvalueerd en vergeleken met de basisbenadering (RevFinder). De resultaten toonden aan dat de gangbare gelijkenisdetectiemethoden acceptabele prestatiescores vertoonden en RevFinder overtroffen bij het aanbevelen van code reviewers voor architectuurschendingen. Bovendien ontdekten we dat de samplingtechnieken die worden gebruikt bij het aanbevelen van code reviewers, invloed hebben op de prestaties van reviewer aanbevelingsbenaderingen.