Is there a difference in how people are perceived when their image is viewed in a selfie as opposed to a Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera image?Findings: The proportion of responses to questions for 'youngest' and 'most approachable' were highest for selfie at distance 24" with filter; questions for 'most attractive', 'most healthy', and 'most feminine' were highest for selfie at distance 12" with filter; for 'oldest', 'most confident', 'most intelligent', 'most successful' and 'least approachable', 'least attractive', 'least healthy', 'least feminine', and 'least successful' were highest for image taken with a DSLR camera.Meaning: A generalizable preference for selfies with filters is seen when considering aesthetic features. DSLR images are associated with inherent characteristics of an individual.