Abstract. Sequential Brief-Adlerian Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (SB-APP) is a timelimited (40 weekly sessions) psychotherapy for a wide range of psychic disorders, delivered in sequential and repeatable module (in each module a different therapist is involved). Its specific features in the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are presented, concerning setting, technique and therapist's emotional attitude. Four Personality Functioning Levels (PFLs) are focused, in order to provide targeted interventions for more homogeneous subsets of BPD patients. PFLs are assessed by evaluating symptoms, quality of interpersonal relationships, overall social behaviours, cognitive and emotional patterns, and defense mechanisms. Two clinical vignettes describe how SB-APP strategies vary according to patient's PFLs, also with respect to the predetermined treatment end. Preliminary reports of SB-APP effectiveness in the treatment of BPD are summarized and discussed.