A Petri net-based algorithm is presented to solve SALBP-2. Firing sequence obtained is used as a priority rule. According to comparison results, the presented algorithm is efficient for solving SALBP-2. In this study, a new algorithm based on Petri net is presented for simple assembly line balancing problem type-2 (SALBP-2). The presented heuristic algorithm obtains a task order using the properties of Petri net, i.e. firing rule, token movement, and token condition. Tasks are assigned to the workstations using the backward procedure and the task order as a priority rule. The heuristic is a two-stage algorithm; a feasible solution is found in the first stage, and the feasible solution is improved using binary search procedure in the second stage. Figure A. Flow chart of the presented algorithm. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to develop a new Petri-net based algorithm for solving SALBP-2. Theory and Methods: The presented algorithm is based on Petri nets which are mathematical and graphical tools used for modeling, formal analysis, and design of discrete event systems. Precedence relations in assembly line balancing problem are represented as a Petri net model. A task order is obtained using enabling rule and firing rule. Tasks are assigned to the workstations using this order. Results: The presented algorithm is coded in MATLAB and tested on well-known benchmark data set with 302 instances. The comparison studies are given between the presented heuristic algorithm and well-known priority rules, other Petri net-based algorithms, differential evolution algorithms, and genetic algorithms in the literature. Conclusion: The presented heuristic has the superior performance, especially in large assembly lines. Results show that the developed Petri net-based algorithm is efficient for solving SALBP-2.