-We performed a cross-sectional study of stroke type frequency at a local emergency hospital, in Natal, Brazil. The sample consisted of all patients who were admitted to an emergency hospital with a presumptive diagnosis of stroke. Of the 416 patients, 328 were studied, 88 were excluded for not meeting inclusion criteria, 74.7% (n= 245) had ischemic stroke 17.7% (n=58) had intracerebral hemorrhage, 7.6% (n=25) had subarachnoid hemorrhage; 173 were men (52.7%). Mean age was 64.1 years. The intrahospital mortality rate was 10.2%, 17.2% and 36% for ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage, respectively. The most prevalent modifiable risk factor was hypertension for ischemic stroke (67.6%) and hemorrhage stroke (57.8%). Logistic regression analysis identified diabetes (OR=3.70; CI=1.76-7.77) as independent risk factor for ischemic stroke. The ischemic stroke was most common type of stroke. Hypertension and diabetes were important risk factors for stroke.KEY WORDS: stroke, Brazil, hypertension.
Freqüência dos tipos de acidente vascular cerebral em hospital de emergência, Natal, BrasilRESUMO -Realizamos um estudo de prevalência para determinar a freqüência dos tipos de acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) num hospital de urgência de Natal. Estudaram-se todos os pacientes que foram admitidos no hospital de urgência com diagnóstico presuntivo de AVC. Dos 416 pacientes, 328 foram estudados, 88 foram excluídos por não cumprirem os critérios de inclusão, 74,7% (n= 245) tiveram AVC isquêmi-co, 17,7% (n=58) hemorragia intracerebral e 7,6% (n=25) hemorragia subaracnóidea. O gênero mais prevalente foi o masculino (52,7%). A média de idade foi 64,1 anos. A letalidade intra-hospitalar foi de 10,2%, 17,2% e 36% para o tipo isquêmico, hemorrágico e hemorragia subaracnóide, respectivamente. O principal fator de risco modificável foi a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) para AVC isquêmico (67,6%) e AVC hemorrágico (57,8%). A regressão logística identificou diabetes como fator de risco independente para AVC isquêmico (OR=3,70; IC=1,77 Dr. Mario E. Dourado -Rua Marcílio Furtado 2042 -59063-360 Natal RN -Brasil. E-mail: medourado@digi.com.br Stroke has become an increasingly important health problem worldwide. There are about 5.5 million yearly deaths and an estimated loss of 49 million disability-adjusted life years worldwide 1-4 . Hypertension and age are the main risk factors for the different types of stroke, which include ischemic (IS), intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), and subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). The management strategies of these ailments are distinct, since they are heterogenous diseases 5 . There has been a decreasing trend in incidence and mortality from stroke in the USA and Europe 6,7 . In contrast, its incidence has increased in developing countries, which may be due to the rapid aging of the population, and increased prevalence of stroke risk factors resulting from change in diet, sedentary lifestyle and diabetes 2 . Lavados et al. showed a raw annual stroke incidence of 95.8 p...