Diverticular disease is one of the most common problems encountered by general surgeons and gastroenterologists. The term refers to complications that occur from colonic diverticulosis. In diverticular colonic disease the sigmoid colon is usually the most commonly involved, while right acute colonic diverticulitis is rarer. In establishing the diagnosis of ALCD, objective clinical examination plays an important role in addition to biological paraclinical examinations (C-reactive protein - CRP and increased leukocyte count) and radiological paraclinical examinations: CT abdomen. CRP is a useful tool in predicting the clinical severity of acute diverticulitis. The treatment applied to patients with uncomplicated colonic diverticular disease can be represented by antibiotic therapy, water regime, hydro-electrolytic rebalancing. In patients with multiple comorbidities, hemodynamic instability, the Hartmann procedure is recommended for the treatment of acute peritonitis caused by perforated colonic diverticulitis and in hemodynamically stable patients without comorbidities, colonic resection with primary anastomosis with or without stoma is suggested.