KEYWORDSMesenteric artery; Color Doppler US; Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.Abstract Ischemic colitis is the most common form of intestinal ischemia. Diagnosis is made at clinical examination and endoscopy and completed by vascular imaging, but color Doppler US may become a first-line imaging technique for the evaluation of the mesenteric circulation.We present the case of an 80-year-old woman hospitalized for recurrent ischemic colitis of the sigmoid. At a previous hospitalization, color Doppler US examination showed medium to severe stenosis at the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery. However, CT angiography was negative and the condition was therefore misdiagnosed. Eight months later the patient was admitted again with abdominal pain and rectal hemorrhage. Rectosigmoidoscopy documented the presence of ischemia of the sigmoid mucosa. Angiography showed the presence of severe stenosis at the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery so revascularization was carried out by percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) during the same session. Follow-up showed normal patency of the inferior mesenteric artery after revascularization, and subsequent endoscopic evaluation documented gradual colonic mucosal ischemia resolution. Blood flow at the level of the inferior mesenteric artery was assessed using color Doppler US. The presented case confirms that color Doppler US is a valid first-line imaging technique in the assessment of ischemic intestinal lesions. It is reliable in the evaluation of the mesenteric arterial circulation, and it also allows assessment of blood flow alterations caused by stenosis and identification of localized hemodynamic stenosis which may be missed at CT-angiography or MRangiography. Arteriography remains the examination of choice in case of discrepancy between first-and second-line imaging techniques and in all cases which offer the possibility of endovascular revascularization.Sommario La colite ischemica è la forma più frequente di ischemia intestinale. La diagnosi è clinica ed endoscopica ed è completata dall'imaging vascolare. Lo studio Eco-Color Doppler può rappresentare la metodica d'imaging di primo livello nella valutazione del circolo mesenterico.Presentiamo il caso di una donna di 80 anni ricoverata per recidiva di colite ischemica del sigma. Dopo un primo ricovero con Eco-Color Doppler che evidenziava stenosi medio-elevata all'origine della arteria mesenterica inferiore, ma Angio-TC negativa e diagnosi finale misconosciuta, la paziente presentava insorgenza di dolore addominale e rettoragia e veniva effettuato un nuovo ricovero ospedaliero. La rettosigmoidoscopia documentava la presenza di ischemia della mucosa del sigma. Veniva quindi effettuato uno studio angiografico che evidenziava la presenza di stenosi critica dell'arteria mesenterica inferiore all'origine e si procedeva nella stessa seduta a rivascolarizzazione mediante angioplastica percutanea transluminale. I successivi controlli evidenziavano normale pervietà dell'arteria mesenterica inferiore dopo rivascolari...