Diversity' is undoubtedly a key word in contemporary museum and heritage debates and practice. Numerous initiatives and developments to promote, celebrate, identify, manage, preserve and, sometimes, to contest, diversity are underway. Yet what is meant by 'diversity' in these many instances-and what it is hoped it will achieve-is itself varied. So too for terms with which it is entangled or that operate as apparent or near synonyms, such as 'variety', 'plurality' and 'difference', and the German 'Vielfalt', 'Diversität', 'Verschiedenheit', 'Mannigfaltigkeit', 'Pluralität' and 'Differenz'. This book brings together studies of the lives and workings of such terms within recent and ongoing museum and heritage contexts in Berlin. While the question of which sität zu Berlin, the Museum für Naturkunde and the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation for the support. I thank all members of CARMAH (the Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage) and especially the members of the Making Differences project for sharing reading suggestions and discussing ideas over these last years. The following deserve particular thanks for comments on this text: