The transnational communities, or in other terms, the migrant communities who went to the US and the UK, or to any other European states had strong belief in their religion in which they might not be contaminated by the secular ideology in the Western countries. In this respect, the phenomenology of religion in international relations is a relatively new and surprising. Accordingly, this paper aims at investigating the implications of the emergence of trans-national religious groups for international relations. The paper will argue that the rise of trans-national religious groups has produced a profound impact on international relations. The factors that influenced this transformation in international relations is the contemporary processes of globalization which scholars argue, are pivotal to bringing religion to the centre stage of international relations. In order to deepen the understanding of this process, two case scenarios will be analyzed, namely, the Sikh Diasporas and the imagined Islamic community, the umma. In this paper, it has been argued that the rise of trans-national religious actors may affect state sovereignty in one way or another. Under secular ideology, the role of religion is marginalized from the public sphere, in particular, the domain of politics and IJIMS, Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, Volume 2, Number 2, December 2012: 166 religion is being obviously separated. This separation, according to both groups, is problematic. It is therefore, the emergence of Islamic and Sikh communities is considered by some liberal democratic countries like India as a peril to its state sovereignty. In Islamic doctrines, the Muslims hold a principle in din wa dawla, the unity of state and religion, while in Sikhism, the Sikhs have to trust miri and piri, the unification of religious and political institution.Masyarakat transnasional atau dalam terma lain disebut juga sebagai masyarakat migran yang menetap di Amerika dan Inggris, atau ke negara-negara Eropa lainnya memiliki keyakinan yang kuat terhadap agama mereka dan tidak terkontaminasi oleh ideologi sekuler Barat. Pada konteks ini, fenomenologi agama dalam perspektif hubungan internasional merupakan kajian baru dan menarik untuk dibahas. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, makalah ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki implikasi dari munculnya kelompok trans-nasional tersebut terhadap kajian hubungan internasional. Makalah ini berasumsi bahwa munculnya kelompok sosial keagamaan yang bersifat trans-nasional berdampak besar terhadap hubungan internasional. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan ini adalah proses globalisasi yang menarik agama ke dalam pola hubungan internasional. Untuk lebih jelasnya, dua skenario kasus akan dianalisis, yaitu Diaspora Sikh dan konsepsi 'keummatan' dalam Islam. Dalam pembahasan makalah ini, didapati bahwa munculnya kelompok masyarakat trans-nasional dapat mengancam kedaulatan suatu negara dalam berbagai bentuknya. Dalam ideologi sekuler, peran agama termarjinalkan dari ruang publik, khususnya ranah politik. ...