Abstract.We investigate the Coulomb displacement energies of the nuclear systems 160 core plus several nucleons. This analysis is performed in order to search for peculiarities of the nucleus 2~ 9 which was experimentally found to be a candidate for the occurrence of a proton halo. The structure of 2~ 9 is discussed on the basis of this analysis. Some evidence is presented that proton correlations play an important role in the structure of this nucleus. 21.10.Ft; 21.10.Gv; 2t.10.Sf; 25.60.+v Experimental investigations of high-energy interaction cross-sections [ 1,2] have indicated that 17Ne and a~ 9 have larger radii than their neighbours in the corresponding isobaric sequences and may thus possess a proton halo. In these studies, the effective root-mean-square radii of the nucleon density distribution were deduced by using Glauber model calculations for the analysis of interaction cross-sections obtained from transmission measurements with relativistic 17Ne and 2~ 9 beams [1, 2], respectively. In this short note, we investigate the Coulomb displacement energies, and discuss the relation of this analysis to the proposed occurrence of a proton halo.
PACS:Coulomb energy differences between members of isospin multiplets (AEc) have extensively been used to estimate nuclear radii as well as to determine the radial extent of the neutron excess in nuclei whose charge radii are known (see e.g. [3]). In this context the halo phenomenon was explicitly mentioned.In resuming this discussion, we note that the binding energy of two protons in 17Ne (0.96MeV) is larger than the proton binding energy of 17/; (0.60MeV) whose radius was found to be smaller than that of 17Ne [1]. Since a comparison of the Coulomb interaction in 17F and 17Ne also gives no hint for the occurrence of a proton halo in the latter nucleus, it was suggested [ 1 ] that a lower centrifugal barrier is responsible for a halo formation and the large radius in lVNe. The ground state configuration of 17/; (T=l/2), with a spin parity assignment of J" = 5/2 +, is interpreted as being due to the last proton in the lds/2 orbital [4]. The centrifugal barrier for L=2 suppresses significantly the tail of the proton density distribution. These arguments suggest that a proton halo of 17Ne can only be explained by demanding the last two protons in this nucleus to be abnormally in a 2sl/2 orbital around a tso core (j~r = 1/2-).In order to check whether the same effect is responsible for the large radius of 2~ 9, we inspect the Coulomb displacement energies (Table 1) by using atomic masses and excitedqevel energies of the systems under consideration from refs. [4,5]. We assume that the five members of the T=2 isospin multiplet from 2o0 to 2~ 9 have the same structure or, in other words, that the only charge-dependent force is the Coulomb force. The lowest two states in the A=17, T=l/2 isospin multiplet are 5/2 + (d orbital) and 1/2 + (s orbital). These levels lie close to each other and are well separated from neighboring states. The Z~Ec value for the 2s orbital is lowe...