SYNOPSIS IN INTERLINGUA ACTIVITATE DE SYNTHASE DE CITRATO IN Tissu PERIODONTAL.-Con le utilisation del sensibile e convenibile essayo a fissura per ester thiolic, le activitate de synthase de citrato (EC; oxaloacetato-lyase de citrato) esseva determinate in le fractiones supernatante de gingiva, osso alveolar, e altere tissus de porco de India. Cortice de femore, osso alveolar, gingiva, hepate, e ren possedeva approximativemente 1/60, 1/33, 1/24, 1/12, e 1/4, respectivemente, le activitate medie per mg de extrahite proteina cardiac. Le activitate exprimite a base de unitates de peso de tissu humide esseva etiam le plus alte pro le corde. Illo de osso alveolar e de gingiva esseva approximativemente 1/440 e 1/40, respectivemente, del correspondent valor trovate pro le corde. The citrate-condensing enzyme or citrate synthase (EC; citrate oxaloacetatelyase) catalyzes the following reaction: Acetyl-CoA + Oxaloacetate + H20 st Citrate + CoAThis enzyme is widely distributed in animal tissues and has been purified as a crystalline protein from pig heart by Ochoa, Stern, and Schneider' and Srere and Kosicki.2 As to the activity of this enzyme in animal tissues, Dixon and Perkins3 have demonstrated that the citrate synthase activity of bone is relatively smaller than that of kidney and liver in rabbits. To our knowledge, no investigations have been made regarding the level of citrate synthase in periodontal tissues. This communication describes a method for the determination of citrate synthase activity in gingiva and alveolar bone, and presents the results of assays carried out on normal guinea pigs. The enzyme activities in the heart, kidneys, liver, and femur cortex were also studied as comparisons.Materials and Methods PREPARATION OF TISSUES.-Male guinea pigs, 6 to 8 weeks old, and weighing 280 to 320 Gm., were used for this study. One hundred per cent (wet weight/volume) femur cortex, 33 per cent alveolar bone, 2 per cent gingiva, 0.5 per cent kidney (cortex of Received for publication December 21, 1964. 768 kidney) and liver, and 0.25 per cent heart tissue extracts were prepared as described in previous reports.4 5 PREPARATION OF REAGENTS.-AcetylCoA* was prepared by the method of Simon and Shemin.6 Oxaloacetate* solution was freshly prepared and neutralized with basic Tris.t ASSAY OF CITRATE SYNTHASE ACTIVITY.-Enzyme activity was determined by the method of Ochoa7 and Srere and Kosicki.2 The principle of the method is based on the measurement of the change in absorbency at 233 m/.u induced by both the cleavage of the thiol ester bound of acetyl-CoA and the utilization of oxaloacetate.In a silica cuvette having a 1-cm. light path and 1-ml. capacity, incomplete reaction mixture was prepared as follows: 0.90 ml. of 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0, 0.01 ml. of approximately 0.008 M acetyl-CoA, and 0.04 ml. of tissue extract. After preincubation at 370 C. for 5 minutes, the final component, 0.05 ml. of 0.0076 M oxaloacetate, was added to the described reaction mixture. Readings of optical density at 233 m...