The effect of calcium ions on steroid-induced difference spectra of cytochrome P-450, and on pregnenolone formation, has been studied in rat adrenal mitochondria. I n the presence of phosphate, addition of calcium chloride to suspensions of these mitochondria resulted in an increase in the inverted type-I difference spectrum induced by pregnenolone or methylandrostenediol, and a disappearance of the type I spectrum induced by 25-hydroxycholesterol. The difference in the inverted type I spectrum between mitochondria from ether-stressed animals and those given cycloheximide was abolished. Cholesterol side-chain cleavage was increased, providing an NADPH generator was used as source of reducing equivalents. The difference in side-chain cleavage activity between mitochondria from ether-stressed animals and those given cycloheximide, was maintained.I n the absence of phosphate, addition of calcium chloride again resulted in a loss of the type I difference spectrum induced by 25-hydroxycholesterol, but this time there was almost no change in the inverted type I spectrum induced by pregnenolone in mitochondria from rats subjected to ether anaesthesia, and the change in cycloheximide-treated rats was only about 50°/, of the change in the 25-hydroxycholesterol-induced difference spectrum. These observations are interpreted in terms of interconversions of the various forms of cytochrorne P-450 associated with side-chain cleavage proposed to exist in intact adrenal mitochondria.Factors such as bovine serum albumin and EDTA, which increase respiratory control in these mitochondria, also stimulate cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity, as do magnesium ions, but without altering the magnitude of the steroid-binding spectra.It is wellestablished that calcium ions are required for the stimulating effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone on steroid output in the adrenal [1-41. Calcium ions are required for the stimulation of adenyl cyclase activity by adrenocorticotrophic hormone in plasma membrane fractions [5]. However, calcium ions can also stimulate steroid hydroxylation reactions of adrenal cortex mitochondria in. vitro [6,7]. This stimulation when NADPH is used as source of reducing equivalents may be partially attributed to calcium-induced permeability of the mitochondria to pyridine nucleotides [8]. It seemed pertinent, however, to examine the effect of calcium ions further to see if other factors were also involved.I n this paper we describe changes in cholesterol side-chain cleavage in isolated rat adrenal mitochondria produced by additions of calcium ions, by addition of EDTA and other factors such as bovine serum albumin and magnesium ions, which are known to regulate the ability of the isolated rat adrenal mitochondria to exhibit respiratory control [9]. These changes are discussed in relation to alterations in the binding of specific steroids to cytochrome P-450, which are believed t o monitor the different spin states of ferric cytochrome P-450 [10,11].
MATERIALS AND METHODSAdrenal mitochondria were prepared from...