This chapter has no pretense at being an exhaustive review of all the lit erature published over the last few years pertinent to its title. To the contrary, we want to make clear that we have selected about one-fifth of what we col lected in preparation of this review, to be included here. The basis for selection of the literature quoted here is simply explained in terms of our own interests or shortcomings. If what we say in this chapter or how we say it generates some argument, we feel that there will be none for the statement that the most important contributions over the last few years to the efforts at under standing the mechanisms involved in the physiological control of adenohypo physial functions by the hypothalamus reside in the characterization of two of the hypothalamic hypophysiotropic hormones, TRF and LRF. The recent characterization and total synthesis by this laboratory of a hypothalamic peptide that specifically inhibits the secretion of immunoreactive growth hor mone, may have similar significance and implications as it would represent the first of the long-postulated hypothalamic hypophysiotropic inhibitory factors for adenohypophysial secretions.We think it of interest that this review should discuss a large number of clinical reports of physiological significance, thus showing the wide impact in clinical medicine and clinical investigation of the elucidation of the structure of TRF and LRF and their availability in unlimited quantities by total synthe sis. Once more, basic research will have contributed to the practice of medicine and the welfare of innumerable patients.
ABBREVIATIONSWe use the following abbreviations in the text as defined here:releasing factor 357 1100 Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1973.35:357-390. Downloaded from Access provided by University of California -Davis on 02/06/15. For personal use only. Quick links to online content Further ANNUAL REVIEWS