Isolated central hypothyroidism, characterized by insufficient TSH secretion resulting in low levels of thyroid hormones, is a rare disorder. We report a boy in whom isolated central hypothyroidism was diagnosed at 9 yr of age. Complete absence of TSH and PRL responses to TRH led us to speculate that he had an inactivating mutation of the TRH receptor gene. The patients' genomic DNA was isolated, and the entire coding region of the TRH receptor was amplified by the PCR and sequenced directly. Confirmation of the mutations and haplotyping of the family was performed using restriction enzymes. The biological activity of the wild-type and mutated TRH receptors was verified by evaluating the binding of labeled TRH and stimulation by TRH of total inositol phosphate accumulation in transfected HEK-293 and COS-1 cells. The patient was found to be a compound heterozygote, having inherited a different mutated allele from each of the parents; both mutations were in the 5Ј-part of the gene. Mutated receptors were unable to bind TRH and to activate total inositol phosphate accumulation. Our report is the first description of naturally occurring inactivating mutations of a G protein-coupled receptor linked to the phospholipase C second messenger pathway. The prevalence and phenotypic spectrum of TRH receptor mutations in isolated central hypothyroidism remain to be established. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 82: 1361-1365, 1997) C ENTRAL hypothyroidism, characterized by insufficient TSH secretion resulting in low levels of thyroid hormones, is a rare disorder with an estimated frequency of 0.005% in the general population; most cases are associated with other pituitary deficiencies and are due to tumors or infiltrative diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary area or to pituitary atrophy (1). Isolated central hypothyroidism due to mutations of the TSH -subunit has been described (2, 3). On the other hand, inactivating mutations of receptors for hypothalamic hormones can also lead to pituitary hormone deficiencies, as recently reported for the GHRH receptor (4).We report a patient with central hypothyroidism whose plasma TSH and PRL levels did not rise after the administration of TRH. He was found to be a compound heterozygote, having inherited from each parent a different mutation in the TRH receptor gene. Both mutations resulted in a receptor with reduced or absent biological activity.
Case ReportThe propositus, the second of three sons born to nonconsanguineous Caucasian parents, was referred for evaluation of short stature at 8.9 yr of age. His clinical history was unremarkable except for poor school performance. On examination, his height was 115.2 cm (Ϫ2.6 sd), his weight was 23.0 kg (Ϫ0.4 sd), and his heart rate was 64 beats/min without other signs of hypothyroidism. The bone age was 4 yr (Ϫ4.1 sd). Plasma T 4 was 4.0 g/dL (52 nmol/L; normal, 4.5-11.5 g/dL), and TSH was 1.3 mU/L (normal, 0.1-5.0). A retrospective verification of T 4 and TSH values obtained at neonatal screening revealed that the T 4 value, at 4.9 g/dL...