Isolated Sphenoid Sinus Disease is a rare disease that usually discovered by radiologic assessment, but it could lead to serious complications if it is misdiagnosed, radiologic assessment has crucial role in the diagnosis of this lesions, and optimal treatment is still controversial.of lesion is similar TO CSF.b. 45 year old female c/o of recurrent headache on CT scan a lesion was noted on left sphenoid Sinus, the mucosa of the sinus is thickened and the bony wall of sphenoid sinus is thickened.c. 30 year old female c/o of acute onset of let eye proptosis, Left EOM movements are restricted on CT scan an expansible lesion destroying bone margins was noticed on left sphenoid spreading to left orbit with marginal enhancement.d. 66 year male c/o of gradual right vision loss, left sixth cranial nerve palsy, proptosis and headache since one year, on CT Scan a right sphenoid mass was noted spread to right orbit, nose, seller and cavernous sinus area, with moderate enhancement.e. 45 year old male c/o headache, on CT a lesion was noticed on left sphenoid with calcification.f. 9 year old female c/o of face and cranial malformation, on CT Scan a ground glass lesion was noticed on the right sphenoid.g. 28 year old male c/o of right nasal obstruction, on nasoscope a polypoid filing posterior choane area was observed, on CT scan polyp seemed to come from right sphenoid area with no enhancement.h. 30 year old male came emergency department c/o of acute onset headache, fever and decreased vision ability, on exam the EOM movements of both eyes were limited with conjunctival ecchymosis, meningeal irritation was also observed, on CT scan an air -liquid level was observed in sphenoid sinus with enhancement in cavernous sinus.i. 20 year old male with history of falling from height, come to you C/O left nasal epistaxis and gradual onset of pulsation in left eye. On CT-Scan lesion was noticed in left sphenoid.j. 35 year old female come to your clinic c/o of left chronic nasal obstruction on nasoscope a fleshy polypoid mass noticed in the posterior choane, On CT Scan polypoid mass from left sphenoid sinus was observed with mild enhancement.k. 40 year old obese lady c/o of chronic postural headache with salty taste in her throat on CT scan la lesion was observed in left sinus of sphenoid sinus. on MRI signal of this lesion is similar to CSF.