Mycelial levels of ATP and glucose-6-phosphate were investigated in mutants of streptothricinproducing AS. nowsei JA 3890b differing from the wild-type in mtibiotic formation, in thc control by inorganic phosphate of the secondary metabolism, and in the resistance to growth inhi-bit~ion by t,oxic arsenate ions. As compared with the ancestral strain, mutant's exhibited a lower cont'ent of ATP in the mycelium while addition of 0.1 M arsenate to growing cultures provoked only moderate changes in the level of this high-energy metabolite. The results suggest t'hat there cxists a corrchtion betwecn growth resistmce to arsenate and insensitivity to ph0sphat.e inhibition of' t>he secondary metabolism, on t'he one hand, and t,he capacit'iy to producc streptot,hricin-t,ype antibiotics, on thc other. I n a recent communication we reported on the selection of arsenate-resistant strains of Streptoniyces noursei J A 3890b as well as on the biological properties of these clones (FRIEDRICII et al. 1984). As it has been shown, strains yielding increased amounts of streptothricin-type antibiotic nourseothricin were discernible from the wild-type strain by either the improved resistance to toxic arsenate ions and/or the relative insensitivity of their antibiotic production to inhibition by excessive concentrations of orthophosphate in the medium. These findings suggested that alterations in the energy metabolism will be a beneficial prerequisite when high-yielding niutants of S. noursei should he selected. This conclusion has been supported by CIJRDOV~ t t al. (1976) and h f A l m Y et al. (1979) demonstrating the inverse correlation in different Streptomyces strains between the level of two high-energy metabolites, adenosine-5'-triphosphate and gl1icose-6-phosphate, and the capacity to generate antibiotics, but with regard to the pertinent strains of 5'. noursei JA Q890h no respective data have so far been acquired. Therefore, in the present study we dealt with the levels of ATP and glucose-6phosphate (G6P) in mutant strains of this microorganisni as well as with the effect of arscnate ions on their energy metaholism. The intention was to elucidate conceivable connections between the resistance of growth to arsennte and insensitivity to phosphate inhibition of streptothricin biosynthesis, on the one hand, and the capacity to overproduce streptothricin-type antibiotics, on the other.
Mat,erials and methodsReagents : Trisodium salt of ATP and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were purchased from BOEHRINGER (Mannhcim, BRD), NADP from VEB Arzneimittelwerke (Dresden, GDR), firefly lantern extract (luciferine-luciferase) and tris buffer from SERVA (Heidelberg, BRD), di-sodium hydrogcn nrsenate from MERCI~ (Darmstadt, BRD), carrier-free 39POifrom ISOCOMMERZ GMBG (Berlin, GDR), POP arid POPOP from REANAL (Budapest, Ungarn), and membr,sne filters SYNPOR No. 6 (2.5 cm diamter, 0.45 pm pore size) from KAVALIER (CSSR).Strains and conditions of cultivation : Streptomyces noursei JA 389010 (BRADLER and THBUN 1963) w a s received from th...