The periodontium is a complex of four tissues of which two are hard and rests are soft. The hard tissue being the alveolar bone and the cementum and soft tissue consists of the periodontal ligament and the gingiva. Periodontitis is multifactorial infectious disease of the supporting structures of the teeth, characterized by destruction of the bone and connective tissue. The ability to identify and manipulate stem cells has been the basis of tissue engineering based clinical therapies. This has been successfully applied in the fi eld of regenerative medicine. However, its successful application in the fi eld of dentistry for periodontal regeneration is still in its infancy. Novel techniques such as tissue engineering need to be developed to counter to diffi culties associated with achieving predictable periodontal regeneration. However, stem cells can be a promising option in this regard. Thus, this review will explore the immense potential and the contemporary concept of stem cells; also it will highlight the recent developments in identifi cation and clinically implication of these cells.