Chrom atiaceae, Thiocapsa roseopersicina, Phototrophic Sulfur M etabolism , Chem olithoautotrophy The purple sulfur bacterium T. roseopersicina is able to grow chemoautotrophically in the dark under micro-to sem iaerobic conditions. Under the latter cell yield and growth rate are consider ably reduced. During chem o-and phototrophic growth reduced sulfur compounds are m etabolized by the same pathway, i.e. oxidized to sulfate via adenylylsulfate. APS reductase (EC, A D P sulfurylase (E C 2 .7 .7 .5 ) and A TP sulfurylase (EC could be shown in all the strains tested, whereas only strain BBS contained an A M P independent sulfite-oxidizing activity under photo-as well as under chem otrophic conditions. Not only A D P but also ATP sulfurylase perform a dissimilatory function proven by their high specific activities. In contrast to the enzym e o f T. roseopersicina strain 6311 A PS reductases from strains M 1 and BBS are strictly mem brane-bound. The enzym e from strain M l was solubilized, enriched and characterized. W hile the KM values o f purified A PS reductase remain unaffected, specific activities of A PS reductase, A TP and A D P sulfurylase are increased substantially under chemotrophic growth conditions. Abbreviations: A D P , adenosin 5'-diphosphate; APS, adenosin 5'-phosphosulfate; A T P , adenosin 5'-triphosphate; D SM , German C ollection o f microorganisms, Braunschweig; Tris, tris-(hydroxym ethyl)am inom ethane; U , international units, jimol/min. Reprint requests to H. G. Trüper. Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. D -7400 Tübingen 0341 -0382/89/0700 -0617 $ 0 1 .3 0 /0