Full-length recN and 16S rRNA gene sequences were determined for a collection of 68 strains from the thermophilic Gram-positive genus Geobacillus, members of which have been isolated from geographically and ecologically diverse locations. Phylogenetic treeing methods clustered the isolates into nine sequence similarity groups, regardless of which gene was used for analysis. Several of these groups corresponded unambiguously to known Geobacillus species, whereas others contained two or more type strains from species with validly published names, highlighting a need for a re-assessment of the taxonomy for this genus. For taxonomic analysis of bacteria related at a genus, species or subspecies level, recN sequence comparisons had a resolving power nearly an order or magnitude greater than 16S rRNA gene comparisons. Mutational saturation rendered recN comparisons much less powerful than 16S rRNA gene comparisons for analysis of higher taxa, however. Analysis of recN sequences should prove a powerful tool for assigning strains to species within Geobacillus, and perhaps within other genera as well.