The fatty acid desaturase activity in cell extracts of Bacillus subtilis was characterized and found to be 02 dependent, NADH dependent, and cyanide sensitive. In cell fractionation studies, only 10% of the desaturase activity was recovered in the membrane fraction; the addition of cytosolic factors, which by themselves were devoid of activity, restored membrane activity to the level found in the unfractionated cell extracts. NADH was preferred over NADPH as an electron donor, and palmitoyl-coenzyme A was used preferentially over stearoyl-coenzyme A as the straight-chain fatty acid substrate. An increase in desaturase activity was observed when either the growth or the assay temperature was lowered from 37 to 20°C, although the assay temperature appeared to be the more important parameter. Three protonophore-resistant mutants of B. subtilis and a comparable mutant of Bacillus megaterium had been found to possess reduced levels of unsaturated fatty acids in their membrane phospholipids; their protonophore resistance was abolished when grown in the presence of an unsaturated fatty acid supplement. All of these strains were found to be either significantly deficient in or totally lacking desaturase activity in comparison with their wild-type parent strains. Full, protonophoresensitive revertants of the mutants had levels of desaturase activity comparable to those of the wild-type. Temperature-sensitive revertants of two of the mutants, which grew at 32°C but not at 26°C in the presence of protonophore, exhibited desaturase activity comparable to that of the wild type at 26°C but lacked activity at 32C. These results indicate that the biochemical basis for protonophore resistance in these Bacillus mutants is a fatty acid desaturase deficiency.Three protonophore-resistant strains of Bacillus subtilis that were isolated in our laboratory grew on nonfermentable carbon sources in the presence of protonophore concentrations that completely inhibited growth of the wild type (15). The mutants did not, however, inactivate or exclude the protonophore (15). Like a similar mutant strain of Bacillus megaterium described by Decker and Lang (4, 5), these strains synthesized more ATP than the wild type at submaximal levels of the proton motive force (5,15,17). All of the mutants had reduced unsaturated fatty acid content in their membrane phospholipids relative to wild-type B. subtilis and B. megaterium. In the B. subtilis mutants, the sole monounsaturated fatty acid, C16l1 was reduced by approximately 50% in each mutant. More dramatically, the entire monounsaturated fatty acid content drops from 12% of the total fatty acid in wild-type B. megaterium phospholipids to 0% in the protonophore-resistant mutant C8 (17). We therefore sought to examine whether the primary mutational event in the protonophore-resistant mutants of Bacillus species was in the fatty acid desaturase.The most extensive studies of the biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids in bacteria have been conducted in Escherichia coli. However, this pathway is oxygen ind...