In immature rib segments prepared from morning-glory (Ipomoea tricolor) flower buds, the major soluble metabolite formed from tracer amounts of L-methionine-U-'4C was S-methylmethionine (SMM). In segments of senescing ribs, 14C was progressively lost from SMM and appeared in free methionine. Immature segments contained about 4 nmoles of free methionine and about 16 nmoles of SMM per 30 segments. As the segments senesced, the methionine content increased about 10-fold while the SMM content remained unchanged; during this time about 0.8 nmole of ethylene was produced per 30 segments. Tracer experiments with L-methionine-U-'4C, L-methionine-methyl-3H, and Lhomocysteine thiolactone-35S indicated that SMM was capable of acting as a methyl donor, and that in senescent segments the methyl group was utilized for methionine production with homocysteine serving as methyl acceptor. Of the 2 molecules of methionine produced in this reaction, 1 was re-methylated to SMM, and the other contributed to the observed rise in the content of free methionine.Internal pools of methionine and SMM were prelabeled (but not sg ntly expaded) by overnight incubation on 10 JAM L-methionine-U-_4C. The spedfic radioactivity of the ethylene subsequently evolved during the senescence of the segments dosely paralleled the specific radioactivity of carbon atoms 3 plus 4 of free methionine extracted from the tissue, demonstrating that methionine was the major precursor of ethylene in this system. The specific radioactivity of carbon atoms 3 plus 4 of extracted SMM was about twice that of the free methionine.Based on these results, a scheme for methionine biosynthesis in senescent rib tissue is presented. The operation of this pathway in the control of ethylene production is discussed.Methionine has been shown to be a precursor of ethylene in a number of higher plants (for a review, see ref. 24) including climacteric tissues of apple, avocado, banana, and tomato (3, 4,12,14), and the metabolism of methionine in climacteric apple has been investigated (1, 2). Although there is good evidence that the total methionine content does not regulate the onset of ethylene production in ripening avocados and apples (2, 3), differences between immature (preclimacteric) and senescent (climacteric) (7). Buds were harvested either 1 or 2 days before flower opening, usually between 4:00 and 7:00 PM, and were used for preparation of 10-mm rib segments (9).The abbreviations used in the text to describe the age of flower tissues are as follows: day 0, day of flower opening and fading; day -1, 1 day before flower opening; day -2, 2 days before flower opening. General features of the incubation conditions of rib segments are outlined below; specific details are supplied in the text and figure legends. After excision on day -1 or day -2, rib segments were incubated overnight in the growth chamber. Fresh weights for segments on day -2 were 7 to 8 mg, on day -1, 9 to 11 mg, and on day 0, 10 to 12 mg. Up to 60 segments were floated in a 6-cm Petri dish on 2 ml of...