Ab stractCom po si tion and lev els of sol u ble α-galactosides: raffinose fam ily oli go sac cha rides (RFOs) and galactosyl cyclitols (Gal-C) in de vel op ing seeds were mea sured by high res o lu tion gas chro ma tog ra phy (HRGC) method. The stud ies were performed on ma tur ing seeds of sev eral wild and cul ti vated Vicia spe cies: Vicia angustifolia L. (com mon vetch), Vicia cracca L. (bird vetch), Vicia grandiflora Scop. (large yel low vetch), Vicia hirsuta (L.) S.F.Gray (tiny vetch), Vicia sativa L. (garden vetch, spring-grow ing cultivar Kwarta), and Vicia villosa Roth (win ter vetch).In all Vicia spe cies sim i lar pat terns in the ac cu mu la tion of RFOs were ob served. Galactinol -the do nor of galactosyl moieties in α-galactosides biosynthesis was pres ent in the mid dle stage of seed de vel op ment, be fore ap pear ing mea sur able levels of RFOs. Ac cu mu la tion of RFOs started par al lel with seed des ic ca tion pro cess. At first ac cu mu la tion of the raffinose, then few days later stachyose and fi nally verbascose was noticed. In the fi nal stage of seed mat u ra tion the verbascose was the main sol u ble α-galactoside (up to 3 % of dry weight, V. sativa). Be sides the RFOs seeds of three Vicia spe cies (V. cracca, V. hirsuta, and V. villosa) ac cu mu lated D-pinitol and its α-ga lactosides (Gal-C). Mono-galactosylpinitols (sim i lar to raffi nose) ap peared in these spe cies 2-4 days af ter galactinol, di-galactosyl pinitol A (com mon name: ciceritol) and di-galactosyl myo-inositol were pres ent sev eral days later than raffinose, and ac cu mu la tion of tri-galactosyl pinitol A (TGPA) be gan af ter ac cu mu la tion of stachyose. Ma tured seeds of V. hirsuta con tained much more RFOs than Gal-C, op po site to seeds of V. villosa, and V. cracca where con cen tra tion of Gal-C was 4-8-fold higher than RFOs. In V. cracca seeds RFOs were al most re placed by Gal-C.In seeds of V. cracca and V. villosa the level of D-pinitol was sig nif i cantly higher, than the level of myo-inositol. Con tents of both cyclitols de clined rap idly at the be gin ning of seed des icca tion, when ac cu mu la tion of RFOs and Gal-C quickly increased. We sug gest that α-galactosides of D-pinitol can substi tute raffinose fam ily oli go sac cha rides and play sim i lar role dur ing seed maturation and storage.List of ab bre vi a tions: RFOs = raffinose fam ily oligo sac cha rides; Gal-C = galactosyl cyclitols; DAF = day af ter flow er ing; FW = fresh weight; DW = dry weight
In tro duc tionRaffinose fam ily oli go sac cha rides (RFOs) are com mon in the plant king dom, mainly as con stit uents in seeds. To RFOs be longs raffinose (α-1→6-D -ga lactoside of su crose), and its ho mol ogous com pounds: stachyose, verbascose and 163