Filamentous fungi produce an impressive variety of secondary metabolites; many of them have important biological activities. The biosynthesis of these secondary metabolites is frequently induced by plant-derived external elicitors and appears to also be regulated by internal inducers, which may work in a way similar to that of bacterial autoinducers. The biosynthesis of penicillin in Penicillium chrysogenum is an excellent model for studying the molecular mechanisms of control of gene expression due to a good knowledge of the biochemistry and molecular genetics of -lactam antibiotics and to the availability of its genome sequence and proteome. In this work, we first developed a plate bioassay that allows direct testing of inducers of penicillin biosynthesis using single colonies of P. chrysogenum. Using this bioassay, we have found an inducer substance in the conditioned culture broths of P. chrysogenum and Acremonium chrysogenum. No inducing effect was exerted by ␥-butyrolactones, jasmonic acid, or the penicillin precursor ␦-(L-␣-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-Dvaline. The conditioned broth induced penicillin biosynthesis and transcription of the pcbAB, pcbC, and penDE genes when added at inoculation time, but its effect was smaller if added at 12 h and it had no effect when added at 24 h, as shown by Northern analysis and lacZ reporter studies. The inducer molecule was purified and identified by mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) as 1,3-diaminopropane. Addition of pure 1,3-diaminopropane stimulated the production of penicillin by about 100% compared to results for the control cultures. Genes for the biosynthesis of 1,3-diaminopropane have been identified in the P. chrysogenum genome.Filamentous fungi, particularly ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, are well-known producers of hundreds of bioactive secondary metabolites (40). The recent sequencing of the genomes of Aspergillus niger (28), Aspergillus nidulans (12, 50), Aspergillus oryzae (25), Penicillium chrysogenum (49), and the basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus (G. Pisabarro, personal communication) has provided evidence about the presence in their genomes of numerous gene clusters encoding nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS), polyketide synthases (PKS), hybrid polyketide-nonribosomal peptide synthetases (HPS), isoprenoid synthetases, and other nonconventional antibiotic-synthesizing enzymes. Genome mining is a powerful tool for discovering new bioactive natural products (38).Penicillin biosynthesis in P. chrysogenum is an excellent model for understanding how those complex molecules are synthesized and how the cell controls their production, because its biochemistry and molecular genetics are very well known (26). Penicillin is produced by several filamentous fungi, of which P. chrysogenum (26), A. nidulans (4), and Penicillium nalgiovense (20) have been studied in more detail. The three enzymes ␣-aminoadipyl-cysteinyl-valine synthetase (ACVS), isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS), and isopenicillin N acyltransferase (IAT) are encoded, respe...