A mutant of E. coli defective in DNA polymerase II activity was isolated. Extracts had about 0.1% of the normal activity of the DNA polymerase. The effect of the mutation on the ability of cells to replicate DNA of various sources was analyzed. Mutant bacteria grow normally, at 410 as well as at 300. All bacteriophages, F factors, and R factors examined so far grow normally in the mutant. Sensitivity of the mutant to ultraviolet radiation and alkylating reagents in growth media was the same as that of the wild type.The mutation, polBI, is recessive with respect to wild type. The polBI mutation can coexist with recombinationdefective mutations. Genetic mapping studies show the mutation to be located at about 2 min on the E. coli map.Isolation of an amber mutant of E. coli, polAl (1), which is defective in the DNA polymerase described by Kornberg (2) (DNA polymerase I), yet grows normally, led to the conclusion that DNA polymerase I might not be a necessary component for replication of E. coli DNA. It has been suggested that this enzyme plays a role in DNA repair (1) and in replication of a colicinogenic factor El (3, 4). Availability of this mutant stimulated enzymological investigations for new DNA polymerases: DNA polymerase II (5-8) and DNA polymerase III (5) were discovered, purified, and characterized.We have analyzed these DNA polymerase activities in a series of thermosensitive mutants defective in DNA replication, dnaA through G. Normal levels of activity were found for DNA polymerase I and II; however, strains having thermosensitive mutations at the dnaE locus were defective in DNA polymerase III (9). We concluded, therefore, that DNA polymerase III is an enzyme required for DNA replication in E. coli.In this paper, we report the isolation and characterization of a mutant of E. coli defective in DNA polymerase II activity. MATERIALS (11) 5, 103, 145, 160, 193, 218, 219, 266, 326, and 328, were the kind gift of Dr. G. Bertani.Media. L-broth and L-agar (12) supplemented with 50 /Ag of thymine per ml and 2.5 mM CaCl2 were used to grow bacterial cultures and for assays of phage and bacteria.Minimal synthetic medium 63 (13) supplemented with 0.2% glucose and 5 /Ag of thymine per ml, was used. Synthetic medium with 0.2% glucose and 5 ,ug of thymine per ml was used. Synthetic medium 63 supplemented with 50 1Ag of novobiocin per ml, a gift of Laboratories Upjohn (Paris), and McConkey-medium (Difco Laboratories) were used to score a mutation defective in lipopolysaccharide synthesis (14).Bacterial Crosses. Bacteria, Hfr and F-, exponentially growing at 300 in broth supplemented with thymine were mixed (1 Hfr/10 F-) in the same medium. After 2 hr at 300, the cultures were washed, diluted, and plated on appropriate media. The plates was incubated at 300. Recombinant colonies were isolated from the plates, purified, and tested for their character by replica plating on suitable media. Enzyme Assay. Procedures used for growth of cells, preparation of cell-free extracts, and separation of polymerases II an...