“…A unique basic protein, BF-P2, was observed in PNS myelin in addition t o the BP which is common t o myelin of b o t h the CNS a n d PNS (UYEMURA et a/., 1970;BROSTOFF & EYLAR, 1972;BROSTOFF et al, 1974;KITAMURA et al, 1975). Next, t w o glycoproteins, BR-PO (EVERLY et WOOD & DAWSON, 1973;SINGH & SPRITZ, 1974;BROSTOFF et a!., 1975;KITAMURA et a/., 1976) and PASII (KITAMURA et a/., 1976;UYEMURA et a!., 19776, 1978), b o t h of which are unique to PNS myelin, were found t o be commonly localized in the PNS myelin of mammalian species. We have previously described the purification and characterization of these basic proteins and glycoproteins from PNS myelin (UYE-MURA et a/., 1970, 1972, 1977a, 6, 1978KITAMURA et a/., 1975KITAMURA et a/., , 1976.…”