Herbal medicinal plants play an important role in the traditional system of medicine, they have been used since centuries in various health systems like Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani etc. Daruharidra botanically identifies asBerberis aristata is well known medicinal plant in Ayurveda which is used alone or in combination with other medicinal plants. This medicinal plant is very useful in skin diseases like skin inflammation and psoriasis and apart from this it is also used in various diseases like jaundice, splenomegaly, rheumatoid arthritis, fever, morning sickness etc. A major bioactive marker of this plant is berberine, which is known for its activity against cholera, acute diarrhea, amoebiasis and latent malaria and for the treatment of oriental lesions caused by Leishmaniatropica. Although Berberis aristata is officially considered as Dahruharidra, review revealed that B. asiatica, and other species of Berberis like chytria are also taken under the name of Daruharidra. All the information about Daruharidra has been discussed in this review.