ABSTRACTy-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors were characterized in vivo by studying ex vivo the binding of [3H]muscimol to cerebellum, cortex, hippocampus, and corpus striatum of mice receiving intravenous injections of tracer doses of high-specific-activity (14) for the rat brain. The cortex, portion B of Glowinski and Iversen (14), was dissected by using the coronal plane passing through the anterior commissura as anterior reference point.Authentic [3H]muscimol was extracted from brain tissue as described (13). Various brain areas (10-100 mg) were homogenized in 2.5 ml of 0.4 M HCl04 immediately after dissection. The acid supernatant (2 ml) from centrifugation at 30,000 x g for 30 min was applied to an AG 50 x 8 column (3H, 200-400 mesh, 0.5 x 5 cm high). The eluate was collected and the column was washed first with 2 ml of HO and then with 7 ml of 2 M NH40H. [3H]Muscimol was eluted in the NH40H fraction and migrated as authentic muscimol on Silica gel G thin-layer chromatography using ethylacetate/ isopropanol/ammonium hydroxide (9:7:4) or n-butanol/acetic acid/water (25:4:10) [3H]muscimol was injected into the cerebral ventricles, >90% of the total radioactivity extracted from brain was recovered as authentic muscimol 10 min after the injection. In these experiments, the proteins were determined by the method of Lowry et al. (15).GABA Measurements. Brain areas, rapidly dissected on a chilled glass, were homogenized in 0.4 M HC104/50 nmol of citrulline per ml as internal standard and centrifuged at Abbreviation: GABA, y-aminobutyric acid.