Two analogs of phenylbutazone, labelled G-25671 and 6-28315, have been shown to have potent uricosuric effects. This report concerns the therapeutic properties in 44 patients of 6-28315, which is a sulfoxide metabolite of G-25671. AI-though the effects of this agent compared favorably with probenecid, the periods of administration were not sufficiently long to exclude toxicity. Duo analogos de phenylbutazona, iden-tificate como G-25671 e G-28315, se ha monstrate potente como agentes uricosuric. Le presente reporto con-ceme le proprietates therapeutic de G-28315 (un metabolito sulfoxydic de G-25671), observate in essayos con 44 patientes. Ben que le effectos esseva comparabile a illos de probenecido, le cursos de administration non esseva satis extense pro excluder toxicitate. HE PLACE of probenecid as a uricosuric agent suitable for protracted T use in the prevention and treatment of chronic gouty arthritis is now well established. There are, however, limitations to its effectiveness. Occasionally probenecid is not well tolerated and cannot be administered in effective dosage unless prior "desensitization" is possible; in our series drug rash occurred in 5 per cent and marked gastric distress in 8 per cent of 169 cases,l necessitating discontinuance of the drug in some instances. Probenecid has no "antirheu-matic" properties, hence does not relieve multiple joint stiffness and persistent joint pain associated with chronic gouty arthritis for the months required to mobilize urate depoists sufficiently. Even in daily dosage of two or three Gm., probenecid may fail to lower the serum urate to satisfactory levels, notably in patients with distinct renal damage. In our experience' the serum urate could not be maintained below 7 mg. per cent in 27 per cent of 186 protracted trials in 122 gouty subjects. In view of these limitations it would be desirable, at least in the speciaI circumstances indicated, to have alternative potent uricosuric drugs at hand. Of such drugs presently available, four have received special consideration: salicylate,2-5 zoxaz~larnine~~~ and the phenylbutazone analogs, G-25671 and the sulfoxide metabolite of G-25671, namely G-28315.A-1' The present communication is concerned with G-2831s (4-[phenylsulfoxyethyl]-l,2-diphenyl-3, 5-pyrazolidinedione) * and the results of its use in 44 gouty subjects.