On Bird Island, South Georgia, a new strain of Chlamydophila abortus was detected in one Brown skua out of 37 specimens from six different seabird species. Phylogenetic analysis of the rnpB and omp1 genes indicated the strain to be more closely related to C. abortus than to 6BC, the type strain of Chlamydophila psittaci.The family Chlamydiaceae was recently reclassified and now comprises nine separate species (5) that infect a wide variety of animals. Chlamydophila psittaci (previously Chlamydia psittaci) has been detected in at least 130 bird species (1,14,19).In this study we detected Chlamydophila abortus (previously a member of the Chlamydia psittaci group) in a Brown skua (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) on Bird Island (54°1ЈS, 58°3ЈW), South Georgian archipelago. The avifauna is abundant, with 24 breeding species of seabirds (17). Shedding organisms from the respiratory tract were obtained by fecal swabs (22) from 37 birds of six different species of subantarctic seabirds. Transportation from Bird Island occurred irregularly; swabs were therefore stored for 3 weeks at Ϫ20°C in 0.2 M sucrose-phosphate-buffered saline before being transported to the laboratory. Since culture of C. psittaci requires a biosafety lab of class 3, isolation was not attempted.DNA was extracted from feces by using a QIAamp tissue kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), and the rnpB and omp1 genes were amplified by PCR. The rnpB gene encodes the catalytically active RNA subunit of RNase P and is present in all prokaryotic cells and therefore useful for taxonomic analysis (10). For PCR amplification and subsequent sequencing of the Chlamydophila sp. obtained from specimen R54 (designated strain R54) from a Brown skua, the primer pair JB1 and JB2 was used (10).The chlamydial outer membrane protein encoded by omp1 shows variation between species and strains (8, 11), and the gene was used for characterization of strain R54. For amplification of a 1,032-bp gene segment, a seminested PCR method was used according to the work of Kaltenboeck et al. (12) with minor modifications. The primers in the first step were 9CTROMP (5ЈGCTCTGCCTGTGGGGAATCCTGCTGAA CC3Ј) and CHOMP371 [5ЈTTAGAAIC(GT)GAATTGIGC (AG)TTIA(TC)GTGIGCIGC3Ј], and in the second step the upstream primer was replaced by 29CTROMP (5ЈGGAGAT CCTTGCGATCCTTG3Ј). The resulting PCR products were sequenced by using terminator-labeled cycle sequencing chemistry and sequence primers, including 29CTROMP, 191CHOMP (5ЈGCIYTITGGGARTGYGGITGYGCIAC3Ј), CTR215 [5ЈTCTTCGA(C/T)TTT(A/T)GGTTTAGATTGA3Ј], and CHOMP371. Sequence reactions were analyzed on a 310 Genetic Analyzer (PE Biosystems, Norwalk, Conn.).Sequence alignment was based on a previous analysis (10) and use of the CLUSTAL W multiple alignment program (21). Phylogenetic analysis of the calculated distance matrix was done by using the neighbor-joining program, as previously described (10), and the obtained tree was displayed by using TREEVIEW (15).In 37 samples from seabirds, one case of chlamydial infection (R54) was detected. The rnpB nucleotide seq...