Two Tn5-mutants, T37 and T107, with decreased nodulation competitiveness (Cmp-) were isolated in Rhizobium meliloti strain CXM1-105. Their Cmp-phenotype was repeatedly displayed in sterile plant tests, where competitiveness was measured against a Fix-reference strain CXM1-48 and the parental strain CXMI-105. In addition mutant T37 showed a decreased nodulation rate (Nra-) at the early stages of alfalfa development (9-18 days after germination). Its mutant phenotype was demonstrated also under greenhouse conditions when it was evaluated against reference strain CXM1-48, and against indigenous rhizobial strains persisting in the soil.Tn5 insertions from mutants T37 and T107 were transduced using phage ~bM12 to the parental strain CXM1-105. All tested transductants showed Cmp-and Nra-phenotype in the case of T37 and Cmp-phenotype in the case of T107. By means of conjugations with avirulent R. meliloti mutant ZB 121 and plasmidless Agrobacterium tumefaciens UBAPF2 we located both Tn5-insertions on the R. meliloti Sym-plasmid.