Nostoc spp. Photosynthetic, filamentous cyanobacterium 79 ganisms which have alternate electron transfer pathways in addition to a bc, complex, nor do they effectively inhibit the bf complex. Consequently, lack of sensitivity to these bc1 inhibitors does not preclude the involvement of a bc1 or bf complex in the electron transfer pathways of the microorganism., In Table 1 I have listed procaryotes that have been shown to contain a bc1 or bfcomplex. The complexes have not been purified from many of these species. Therefore, I have taken as evidence for the existence of a bc, or bf complex the presence of a Rieske-type iron-sulfur protein along with membranous band c-type cytochromes, the isolation of genes encoding these proteins characteristic of the bc1 or bf complexes, or the demonstration of antimycinor myxothiazol-sensitive electron transfer.