Membrane and membrane skeleton proteins were examined in erythroid progenitor cells during terminal differentiation. The employed model system of erythroid differentiation was that in which proerythroblasts from mice infected with the anemia-inducing strain of Friend virus differentiate in vitro in response to erythropoietin (EP). With this system, developmentally homogeneous populations of cells can be examined morphologically and biochemically as they progress from proerythroblasts through enucleated reticulocytes. alpha and beta spectrins, the major proteins of the erythrocyte membrane skeleton, are synthesized in the erythroblasts both before and after EP exposure. At all times large portions of the newly synthesized spectrins exist in and are turned over in the cytoplasm. The remaining newly synthesized spectrin is found in a cellular fraction containing total membranes. Pulse-chase experiments show that little of the cytoplasmic spectrins become membrane associated, but that the proportion of newly synthesized spectrin which is membrane associated increases as maturation proceeds. A membrane fraction enriched in plasma membranes has significant differences in the stoichiometry of spectrin accumulation as compared to total cellular membranes. Synthesis of band 3 protein, the anion transporter, is induced only after EP addition to the erythroblasts. All of the newly synthesized band 3 is membrane associated. A two-dimensional gel survey was conducted of newly synthesized proteins in the plasma membrane enriched fraction of the erythroblasts as differentiation proceeded. A majority of the newly synthesized proteins remain in the same proportion to each other during maturation; however, a few newly synthesized proteins greatly increase following EP induction while others decrease markedly. Of the radiolabeled proteins observed in two dimensional gels, only the spectrins, band 3 and actin become major proteins of the mature erythrocyte membrane. Examination of total proteins of the plasma membrane enriched fractions of EP-treated erythroblasts using silver staining and 32P autoradiography show that many proteins and phosphoproteins are selectively eliminated from this fraction late in the course of differentiation during the reticulocyte stage. The selective removal of many proteins at the reticulocyte stage of development combined with previous selective synthesis and accumulation of some specific proteins such as alpha and beta spectrin and band 3 in the differentiating erythroblasts lead to the final mammalian erythrocyte membrane structure.