1 De part ment of Plant Ge net ics and Breed ing, Cen tre of Ag ri cul tural Re search Gent, Caritasstraat 21, 9090 Melle, Bel gium, e-mail: t.eeckhaut@clo.fgov.be 2 De part ment of Bio tech nol ogy, Ag ri cul ture and Land scape Ar chi tec ture, Hogeschool Gent, Voskenslaan 270, 9000 Gent, Bel gium Key words: cell sort ing, hap loid, interspecific hybrid iza tion, ploidy, polyploid
Ab stractIn this re view, the dif fer ent ap pli ca tions of flow cytometry in plant breed ing are high lighted. Four main breed ing re lated pur poses can be dis tin guished for flow cytometry: (i) Char acteri sa tion of avail able plant ma te rial, in clud ing screen ing of pos si ble par ent plants for breed ing pro grams as well as eval u ation of pop u la tion biodiversity; (ii) Off spring screen ing af ter inter specific, interploidy or ab er rant crosses; (iii) Ploidy level de ter mi na tion af ter haploidization and polyploidization treatments and (iv) Par ti cle sort ing, that al lows sep a ra tion of plant cells based on mor pho log i cal or flu o res cent char ac ter is tics. An over view and dis cus sion of these var i ous ap pli ca tions in dicates that flow cytometry is a rel a tively quick, cheap and re liable tool for many breed ing re lated ob jec tives.
List of ab bre vi a tions:DAPI (4', 6-diamidino-2-phenylindol), EB (ethidium bro mide), FCM (flow cytometry), FDA (fluorescein diacetate), FSC (for ward scatter), ORY (oryzalin), PI (propidium io dide), PMT (photomultiplier), SSC (sideward scat ter), TRI (trifluralin)
In tro duc tion
Bases and his tory of flow cytometryCytometry re fers to the mea sure ment of phys i cal and chem i cal char ac ter is tics of par ti cles. In short, flow cytometry (FCM) in volves the anal y sis of fluo res cence and light-scat ter ing prop er ties of sin gle par ti cles dur ing their pas sage within a nar row, precisely de fined, liq uid stream (Galbraith et al. 1983, Dolezel et al. 1989, Dolezel, 1991.The most im por tant fea ture of FCM is that it enables mea sure ments to be made on in di vid ual cells at high speed. This al lows the de tec tion of subpopulations and the quan ti fi ca tion of the het er o gene ity of the pop u la tion of in ter est rather than merely the ob tain ing of av er age val ues for a pop ula tion (Shapiro 2003).It took an other de cade be fore Galbraith et al.(1983) came up with a rad i cally prac ti cal so lu tion, in which the sus pen sions of in tact nu clei are prepared by chop ping a small amount of fresh tis sue in a suit able iso la tion buffer. This sim ple, con ve nient and rapid tech nique al lowed the wide spread use of FCM for DNA-con tent re lated re search in dif fer ent plant spe cies (De Laat et al.