Isomerization of ethylbenzene in the gaseous phase over bifunctional Pt/AI^a nd Pt-zeolite catalysts was investigated in a microcatalytic fixed bed reactor using the pulse method. Over the Pt/Al203 catalyst, where the carrier displays only weak acidity, xylenes are formed from ethylbenzene mainly via the route ethylbenzene-ethylcyclohexene-1,2-methylethylcyclopentene-1,2-dimethylcyclohexene-o-xylene, which corresponds to predictions from a bifunctional mechanism in which skeletal rearrangements of tertiary carbocations only are considered to be the rate-determining steps. Over Pt-zeolite catalysts with higher acidity, skeletal isomerizations in which secondary carbocations are involved contribute-in addition to the route mentioned above-to the measured product distributions.