The properties of the multisoliton solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Skyrme model are investigated numerically. Coupling to the Chern-Simons term allows for existence of the electrically charge solitons which may also carry magnetic fluxes. Two particular choices of the potential term is considered: (i) the weakly bounded potential and (ii) the double vacuum potential. In the absence of the gauge interaction in the former case the individual constituents of the multisoliton configuration are well separated, while in the latter case the rotational invariance of the configuration remains unbroken. It is shown that coupling of the planar multi-Skyrmions to the electric and magnetic field strongly affects the pattern of interaction between the constituents. We analyze the dependency of the structure of the solutions, the energies, angular momenta, electric and magnetic fields of the configurations on the gauge coupling constant g, and the electric potential. It is found that, generically, the coupling to the Chern-Simons term strongly affects the usual pattern of interaction between the skyrmions, in particular the electric repulsion between the solitons may break the multisoliton configuration into partons. We show that as the gauge coupling becomes strong, both the magnetic flux and the electric charge of the solutions become quantized although they are not topological numbers.