Lattice QCD results for the coefficient c2 appearing in the Taylor expansion of the pressure show that this quantity raises with the temperature towards the Stefan-Boltzmann limit. On the other hand, model approximations predict that when a vector repulsion, parametrized by GV , is present this coefficient reaches a maximum just after Tc and then deviates from the lattice predictions. Recently, this discrepancy has been used as a guide to constrain the (presently unknown) value of GV within the framework of effective models at large-Nc (LN). In the present investigation we show that, due to finite Nc effects, c2 may also develop a maximum even when GV = 0 since a vector repulsive term can be dynamically generated by exchange type of radiative corrections. Here we apply the the Optimized Perturbation Theory (OPT) method to the two flavor Polyakov-NambuJona-Lasinio model (at GV = 0) and compare the results with those furnished by lattice simulations an by the LN approximation at GV = 0 and also at GV = 0. The OPT numerical results for c2 are impressively accurate for T 1.2 Tc but, as expected, predict that this quantity develops a maximum at high-T . After identifying the mathematical origin of this extremum we argue that such a discrepant behavior may naturally arise within these effective quark models (at GV = 0) whenever the first 1/Nc corrections are taken into account. We then interpret this hypothesis as an indication that beyond the large-Nc limit the correct high temperature (perturbative) behavior of c2 will be faithfully described by effective models only if they also mimic the asymptotic freedom phenomenon.