In this paper we investigate the spectrum and spectrality of the one-dimensional Schrodinger operator with a periodic PT-symmetric complex-valued potential.Key Words: Schrodinger operator, PT-symmetric periodic potential, Real spectrum.AMS Mathematics Subject Classification: 34L05, 34L20.
Introduction and Preliminary FactsIn this paper we investigate the one dimensional Schrödinger operator L(q) generated inwhere q is complex-valued, locally integrable, periodic and PT-symmetric. Without loss of generality, we assume that the period of q is 1 and the integral of q over [0, 1] is zero. ThusA basic mathematical question of PT-symmetric quantum mechanics concerns the reality of the spectrum of the considered Hamiltonian (see [2, 15 and references of them]). In the first papers [1,3,5,6,10] about the PT-symmetric periodic potential, the appearance and disappearance of real energy bands for some complex-valued PT-symmetric periodic potentials under perturbations have been reported. Shin [17] showed that the appearance and disappearance of such real energy bands imply the existence of nonreal band spectra. He involved some condition on the Hill discriminant to show the existence of nonreal curves in the spectrum. Caliceti and Graffi [4] found explicit condition on the Fourier coefficient of the potential providing the nonreal spectra for small potentials. Besides, they proved that if all gaps of the spectrum of the Hill operator L(q) with distributional potential q are open and the width of the n-th gap does not vanish as n → ∞, then the spectrum of L(q) + gW, where W is a bounded periodic function and g is a small number, is real. This result can not be used for the locally integrable periodic potentials (2), since the width of the n-th gap vanishes as n → ∞.In this paper, we first consider the general spectral property of the spectrum of L(q) under conditions (2) and prove that the main part of its spectrum is real and contains the large part of [0, ∞). Using this we find necessary and sufficient condition on the potential 1 2 for finiteness of the number of the nonreal arcs in the spectrum of L(q). Besides we find necessary and sufficient conditions for the equality of the spectrum of L(q) to the half line. Moreover, we consider the connections between spectrality of L(q) and the reality of its spectrum for some class of PT-symmetric periodic potentials. Finally, we find explicit conditions on the potential q for which the number of gaps in the real part of the spectrum of L(q) is finite. Now let us list the well-known results, as Summary 1-Sammary 7, about L(q) which will be essentially used in this paper. Note that we formulate the well-known results from the books [7,19] and the papers [11,13,14,16,17] in the suitable form for this paper and by using the unique notation, since the different notations were used in those references.
Summary 1The spectrum σ(L) of the operator L is the union of the spectra σ(L t ) of the operators L t for t ∈ (−π, π] generated in L 2 [0, 1] by (1) and the boundary conditions...